Exploiting legacy drilling data from the International Oceanic Drilling Program

8 semaines, mai et juin 2024
Laboratoire de rattachement : ISTerre
Encadrants : Mai-Linh Doan and Pei Pei
Contact : Mai-linh.doan univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Lieu : ISTerre Grenoble / Bâtiment OSUG-C
Niveau de formation & prérequis : M1 ou L3, Python, intérêt pour l’exploration du fond marin
Mots clés : IODP, géomécanique, fonds marins, géophysique, programmation

The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) is an international marine research collaboration that explores Earth’s history and dynamics using ocean-going research platforms to recover data recorded in seafloor sediments and rocks and to monitor subseafloor environments. More than 400 expeditions have been organized, delivering a wealth of new knowledge on climate change, deep life, planetary dynamics and geohazards. IODP has been at the forefront of the sharing of the accumulated data following the principles of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable)

As the US NSF announced of the Non-Renewal of the JOIDES Resolution, there’s risk that data that have not been yet distributed will be lost forever. Hence, it is important to inventory the data currently provided and warn the Science Operators to save the missing datasets.

During this internship, we will focus on the time series of drilling data, which have been recently valorized to retrieve key hydromechanical properties in active faults investigated by IODP. The intern will check within the current accessible database the datasets collected for expeditions during which Logging While Drilling has been performed and conduct quality control on these. To manage the large amount of data, efficient Python programming will be conducted.

During this internship, the master student will
 discover a wide variety of geological sites, of significant scientific importance and learn the associated scientific challenges
 learn about the mechanics and process of drilling, which is extensively used in applied Earth Sciences
 learn and improve his/her programming skills in Python language
 get the eternal gratitude from the IODP community

Map of the drill sites of previous IODP expeditions

Mis à jour le 11 November 2023