Scientific events

Laboratory seminars

IGE | IPAG | ISTerre | LEGI | LECA | LESSEM | EDYTEM | CARRTEL | CEN | Pacte - Environments

[Seminar] "Les Sacoches du Climat" : An outreach cycling initiative for covering the last kilometer of climate communication in rural areas

Friday, june 28, 2024 - 1:30 p.m.

Friday, june 28, 2024 - 1:30 p.m. Alexandre Legay, Alice Copie, Antoine Bierjon, Antoine Ehret et Jean Lavigne - IGE, IPSL, INRAE
Les Sacoches du Climat’ (i.e. ’The Climate Panniers’) is a scientific outreach initiative led by a collective of 8 young climate researchers, complemented by esteemed French climatologists that were invited to join the collective by riding tandem with us. The initiative was designed to raise awareness of climate issues in rural areas, regions that are often (...)

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[Workshop] 27th Alpine Glaciology Meeting

14 & 15 march 2024

The 27th AGM will be held in Grenoble on 14 and 15 March 2024. The meeting will take place in the campus of University Grenoble Alpes, in the MaCI building. The AGM is organized every year in one of the Alps main city (Zurich, Munich, Milan, Innsbruck, Grenoble). The goal of the meeting is to foster rich exchanges about glacier related research. Early career scientists are highly encouraged to participate, and the inscription at the conference is free of charge. practicals informations (...)

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[Autumn School ] "Biodiversity past, present and future"

6th to 10th November 2023

How do we evolve biodiversity? How do ecology science explore the different parts of ecology starting from the past to extend to the future? How could we link these different histories? What were the past, present and future responses of biodiversity to climatic, pollution & anthropogenic factors?
If you are also curious about these questions, join Ecology Autumn School in Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine from 6th to 10th November 2023.
Our event is open to all young researchers in (...)

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[URBASIS Spring School 2] Urban Seismology and Risk Analysis

15 to 20 May 2023

The 2nd edition of the Spring School on Urban Seismology and Risk Analysis is open for registration. The school will take place in Porquerolles from May 15 to 20, 2023.
The objectives of this second spring school are to provide students (PhD, post-doc and others) with an insight into research issues in engineering seismology, earthquake engineering and seismic risk in the broadest sense, and current and emerging research topics on seismic risk in interaction with the components that make (...)

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[Tec 21 Winter school] Multi scale approaches and multiphysics couplings in fluid and solid mechanics

30th January to 3rd February 2023

The 5th edition of the winter school on multiscale approches and multiphysic couplings in fluid and solid mechanics is now open for registration. The school will take place in Grenoble from January 30th to February 3rd, 2023.
Important societal issues require to solve problems of increasing complexity. A key vector of progress relies on multi-scale and multi-physics approaches. The objective of the winter school is to review the different approaches, numerical and experimental techniques (...)

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[XXIIIe congress of GMPCA] Archéométrie 2022

2-6 May 2022

Every two years since 1977, the GMPCA has organised the Archaeometry Congress, whose scientific objective is to take stock of the progress of techniques applied in the field of heritage, to enable young researchers to present their work and to compare research practices in heritage science in Europe and beyond. The next Archaeometry symposium will be co-organized in Chambéry from 2 to 6 May 2022 by the EDYTEM laboratory and the Patrimalp consortium.
This year to illustrate the contributions (...)

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[Autumn School] “Biodiversity: Origins & Drivers”

november 15 to 19, 2021

What are large-scale present-day biodiversity patterns? How did evolutionary history influence these patterns? What can past evolutionary events tell us about the biodiversity response to global changes? How to plan efficient and ethical biodiversity conservation strategies? If you are also curious about these questions, join our hybrid* event Ecology Autumn School in Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine from 15th to 19th November 2021.
Our event is open to all young researchers in ecology (PhD (...)

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[Conference] Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space - Status and Perspectives

Friday, January 31, 2020 - 10h // IGE (Grenoble)

In framework of H2020 SCARBO program : OSUG, 10am.
Europe pioneered the remote sensing of the greenhouse gases (GHG) CO2 and CH4 with SCIAMACHY on ENVISAT from 2002 to 2012. This time series on greenhouse gases from space was and is continued by space based greenhouse gas sensors from Japan (GOSAT), US (OCO-2), China (TANSAT) and most recently Europe (Sentinel-5 Precursor). These data sets make it possible for the first time to examine distributions of sources and sinks of (...)

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Winter school on "Multi scale approaches and multiphysics couplings in fluid and solid mechanics »

20th to 24th January 2020 // Grenoble

Important societal issues require to solve problems in mechanical and process engineering of increasing complexity. A key vector of progress relies on multi-scale and multi-physics approaches. The aim of this winter school is to make an overview of the different approaches, numerical and experimental techniques allowing to tackle this complexity. The school is open to PhD students, Post-doctoral researchers, R&D engineers and all attendants with a background in mechanics. All the (...)

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First ACO Network School at Perugia (Italy)

december 2 to 20, 2019

This three weeks school will consist of several courses in the multiple disciplines involved in ACO plus hands-on projects. Its goal is to provide a common ground to PhD students and prepare them to the highly interdisciplinary environment of in astrochemistry and the Solar System formation.
The school is mandatory for all ACO PhD students and will be open to a limited number of PhD students from Europe.
Overview of the courses: Instruments to detect and study molecular lines in the (...)

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