Quantitative risk assessment in Chile and France : Application to rockfall hazard

Laboratoire(s)/équipe(s) du LabEx OSUG impliqué(e.s) : Irstea
Porteur du projet : Farvacque Manon


The Chilean and French societies have developed an increasing conscience of risks due to natural hazards. An ambitious collaboration program has been initiated between leading institutes of the field in Chile and France in order to improve natural hazard mitigation strategies. This demand is to expand this initiative with a specific effort regarding rockfall risk. Specifically, Manon Farvacque, PhD candidate on rockfall risk modelling, will stay 45 days at CIGIDEN, Santiago, to share data, techniques and tools on a concrete rockfall risk case study that Irstea and CIGIDEN have acquired over years of past experience. Results will be implemented in her thesis and published in an international journal. As a contribution to formation, she will give one lab-seminar and provide 3 hours of teaching to Chilean master students. On the other hand, she will assist to several lab seminars and courses given by Chilean scientists.

Soutien attribué en 2018 : 4 000 €

Mis à jour le 29 août 2018